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Ballyneety Golf Club
Ballyneety Golf Club, the golf course
Ballyneety Golf Club, the range academy
Ballyneety Golf Club, golf society
Ballyneety Golf Club, memberships
Ballyneety Golf Club, golf for visitors



Welcome to Ballyneety Golf Club! We wish you many happy times playing and improving your game of golf.
The aim of this manual is to provide Parents/Guardians and junior members of Ballyneety Golf Club with information on all aspects of junior golf. We encourage all young golfers to become active participants in the club. 

  • Juniors must be 10 years of age before they can be registered with Ballyneety Golf Club. 
  • A player is a junior until his/her 18th birthday

Third level is defined as:

University members – third level students attending University, Institutes of  technology or any post second level training courses (19 – 24 years).


Playing Times :

          Junior members designated time slots:

          Sundays 1pm – 2pm   April 12th – October 11th

          Wednesdays 10.30am – 11.30 am school holidays



          Junior members may not play at the following times:

          Mondays and Thursdays  (Open Singles)

          Tuesdays before 12.00pm (Seniors and Ladies)

Any day after 4.30pm (must start round before 4.30pm and keep their place on the course).


The above regulations do not apply when playing with an adult member or when receiving tuition from the Professional.



NB Juniors must sign in and sign out on the Junior book in the office


Eligibility of junior members to play in adult competitions:


                                    Junior Boys

                               Junior Girls


If 14 h’cap or lower, and age 15 or over, may play with an adult member in regular Men’s Competitions  EXCEPT:

  • Captains Prize (Separate competition and prizes for juniors)
  • Presidents Prize (Separate competition and prizes for juniors)
  • Club Matchplay competitions
  • Intermediate and Minor Scratch Cups
  • Championship of the course

A Juniors card must be signed by an Adult Member, or any adult with GUI membership. No two Juniors can sign each others cards in an adult competition.

Will be facilitated in obtaining a Congu Handicap.

  • May compete in and win ladies weekly competitions.
  • Are allowed win all Gross Prizes.
  • Junior Girls are allowed to compete and win ILGU medals,
  • May play in, but not win, major competitions (Lady Captain’s Prize, Lady President’s Prize, Captain’s Prize to the Ladies).


Student Members


May play in men’s competitions EXCEPT:

  • Captain’s Prize
  • President’s Prize
  • Qualifying rounds for National/International
  • They may play in Golfer-of-the-Year competitions but cannot win 1st Prize




An official club handicap in accordance with G.U.I/I.L.G.U guidelines may be allocated by the club Handicap Secretary to all Junior  members who return 3 cards, each of 18 holes strokes, which must be signed by a playing member who holds an official handicap. No player shall mark his/her own card. Cards must be marked after each hole.
Cards should be posted in the appropriate competition box and marked “For Handicap”
For the purpose of Junior Member club competitions, players will, if required, be allocated (unofficial) club handicaps by the Junior Members’ committee.
Junior members who return scores in golf clubs other than Ballyneety Golf Club, which result in their handicaps being reduced, are obliged to inform the Club junior handicap secretary of such scores.

All Juniors will be allocated a Golfnet card and are requested to register with Golfnet



No Junior may mark his/her own card. A Juniors card must be signed by an Adult Member, or any adult with GUI membership. No two Juniors can sign each others cards in an adult competition. The marker should check the score after each complete hole with the competitor, and record it. All shots have to be recorded.
On completion of the round, the marker should sign the scorecard and hand it to the competitor. The competitor should check his/her score and agree any doubtful points that may arise with the marker. If either the competitor or marker is in doubt on any point they should seek clarification from the Junior  committee before signing and returning the scorecard. The competitor should ensure that the scorecard bears his/her name, handicap and title and date of the competition. The penalty for breach of the rule is disqualification from the competition.


Course Etiquette/Code of Behaviour

Outside of Junior competitions, Juniors playing without an adult must check if there is availability on the course and sign their name in a book in the Pro Shop before playing.

Juniors are expected to respect and be courteous to adult members on the course.
Honour is about being truthful to yourself and the rules of a sport. Golf is a game of honesty, etiquette and maturity. As in all sports, golf should be conducted in an atmosphere of fair play, respect for others and should always be played in the right spirit.
Players are responsible for their own actions and personal conduct on the golf course.


Safety & the Course

The most important thing to remember when playing any sport is to look after your health and safety.
Prior to making a practice swing or playing a stroke, the player should ensure that no one is standing close by or in a position to be hit by the club, the ball or any stones, pebbles, twigs etc which may be moved by the stroke or swing.

Respect officials and accept their decision with grace and not a grudge. This includes the Junior Co-ordinators, Committee Members, Course and Clubhouse staff.

Remember to respect the course.

Replace divots, repair pitch marks, rake bunkers etc.
Play quickly and do not hold up any players behind.

Juniors may not cut in on a hole if there are players playing the previous hole.

It is forbidden to look for golf balls in the lakes on the course.
Juniors who behave badly, whether in the clubhouse or on the course will be disciplined in accordance with club procedures.


In the Clubhouse:

Juniors may use the bar and restaurant facilities. They must vacate the clubhouse by 7pm if unaccompanied by an adult. If a Junior is accompanied by an adult, they must vacate the premises at 10pm.
Juniors must respect and heed clubhouse staff.
Respect the clubhouse and keep belongings tidy. Golf shoes must be removed before entering any part of the clubhouse (except the locker room).


General Etiquette

Respect fellow team members; give them support when things are going well or badly for them. Respect your opponents; they are not your enemies as they are fellow competitors in a sporting event. Look for your opponent’s lost ball.

Be modest in victory and gracious in defeat. Shake hands after the event, whoever wins --and mean it.

Adults have priority on the course and MUST be allowed through. Avoid slow play and remember 9 holes should be completed in less than 2 hours.

Respect the golf course. Practicing on the course is not permitted, ie: playing multiple balls on an individual hole. 

Be organised and on time.
While playing, no Junior player can leave the course - for example to go to the shop outside the perimeters of the Golf course.
Mobile Phones are not allowed in the clubhouse or on the golf course. If they are required they must be left on silent.
If any Junior member encounters any problems or issues please feel free to talk to Junior Officers or Golf Professionals.
Remember honest endeavour is as important as winning.


Coaching is provided in Ballyneety Golf Club by Club Professionals Donal McSweeney, Alan O’Sullivan and Robert Kelly. The time of coaching will be displayed on Junior Notice board. When coaching is being provided at least one adult must be present at all times.


Parents/Guardian Role

Parents should assist in:

  •        Attending coaching sessions
  •        The running of Junior competitions
  •        Providing supervision
  •        Providing transport
  •        Parents should also remember that juniors learn by example – applaud good shots by all
  •        Respect and accept official decisions and teach juniors to do likewise.


Dress Code

The following items of dress are not acceptable on the course or in the clubhouse:

  •        Tracksuits or Leisure Suits
  •        Singlets or Sleeveless shirts without collars
  •        Shorts other than tailored shorts
  •        Trouser legs tucked inside socks
  •        Football shirts/jerseys and garment displaying slogans or logos.                                

Smart casual dress is essential in the clubhouse. Footwear worn on the course is not acceptable in the clubhouse. Wearing of caps/hats is not acceptable in the clubhouse.


Further Details & Information can be found in the following two documents:


Junior Regulations 2018

JGI Rules Handout July 2013

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